Streamline Your Move from New York to Connecticut
A record number of New Yorkers are moving from the city to Connecticut, …
Here are Five Tips for Making the Move:
1. Plan exactly which furniture and rugs to move and donate or sell the rest. Lifestyle will be different, room sizes, etc.
2. Label your boxes on the top and sides with the rooms they will belong in. Mark boxes “essential” if they are supplies you will need your first evening in your new house.
3. Have floor plans available for your movers so they can move your furniture right where you need it. Attach photos as well in case there is a language barrier. Put a sign on each door that corresponds to the floor plan and boxes. For example, “Mary’s bedroom” is easier for everyone to remember than “Bedroom #2”.
4. Provide lunch and drinks to the movers. It’s a thoughtful thing to do and everyone works best on a full stomach. If things are going well, consider (generous) tipping at this time. Someone always needs to go above and beyond the call of duty, so making people feel appreciated goes a long way.
5. Look in the moving truck yourself at the end of the day to be sure it is completely empty.
We have a team who can help you every step of the way……